Monday, December 6, 2010

Impossible Hollywood Transformations

Yahoo Movies ran a feature that made me go: 'What the fuck?! I gotta launch an entertainment blog!'  That post showed how actresses have changed their hair color to apper in Spider-Man movies and it featured Emma Stone's new look:

First of all, even though she plays High School characters, Emma Stone is 22, which makes it perfectly not creepy for me to think she's so damn hot. 

Secondly, why do this to us?  I know she's a natural blond, and yet she looks so damn ordinary as a blond.  And please don't say it was to keep with Gwen Stacy's comic book look, fidelity to comic book series in movies went out the door a long time ago!

The other impossible hollywood transformation is a more positive one.  I am really excited to go watch The Tourist, which somehow manages to make Angelina Jolie look even hotter and more beautiful.  Brad Pitt clearly upgraded.


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